By Lynn Cukaj, ATR-BC, MHC-LP
Art Therapy for Children, Teenagers, and Adults
Activity: Creative and Expressive Writing
Writing down your thoughts, whether it's at the start or the end of the day, offers a range of health benefits. Engaging in the act of reflection and expressive writing can effectively alleviate stress and provide a healthy outlet for emotions. To begin, try incorporating some simple journaling prompts, and for an enjoyable twist, explore the addition of art to your pages. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Journal prompts:
The best book I've ever read and why I loved it...
A place I've always wanted to visit and why...
Five things I am grateful for today...
If my body could talk it would say...
What are 10 words I would use to describe myself?
My favorite way to spend a rainy day is...
Three things I would like to change about myself...
The most memorable dream I've had recently...
A new skill or hobby I want to learn and why...
The top five people who have influenced my life...
My perfect day from morning to night...
A challenge I overcame and how it changed me...
The best piece of advice I've ever received...
My favorite childhood memory and why it's special...
A time when I felt truly proud of myself...
The top three qualities I value in a friend...
A playlist of songs that represent my life right now...
My ideal way to practice self-care and relaxation...
The most significant lesson I've learned from a past mistake...
If I could travel back in time, I would go to...
Five things I want to achieve in the next five years...
Expressive Writing & Collage Experience: Allow yourself to release any anxieties or frustrations onto paper, expressing yourself as elaborately as you desire. Once you've poured out your emotions, transform the page into a collage masterpiece! Tear it up into pieces and artfully assemble them in your art journal. Through writing, tearing, and creating, this activity serves as a powerful way to process our emotions, express ourselves, and find resolution."
For more therapeutic activities and resources on how to incorporate Art Therapy into your life, read more from Lynn's Creative Expressions Blog.
Learn more about Art Therapy and Lynn Cukaj, Board Certified Art Therapist here: